Thursday, March 15, 2012


I love going on adventures with my little crew.  Today we started on the square, where we met Aunt Esther, and went all over Gainesville.  We ended up at a little park where the Kikers were.  Seth rode his bike while Hannah and Abigail rode in the jogger while mommy worked her booty off!  It was a lot of fun!  Every adventure with y'all is a gift that I will cherish forever.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Busted Nose

Oh Seth!  Your sweet, sweet, nose!  You were so excited to go to your first baseball practice and about half way through it you came running out of the dugout covered in blood crying!  We were so scared and so were you!  Hannah and Abigail cried for you and we rushed you to the ER.  You were very scared to have to have surgery and you did not want to be there.  Daddy and I talked to you and you finally calmed down and got a CT scan of your head because everyone was sure that your nose was broken but it was not!  We got home super late from the ER but you were calm and starting to enjoy the "perks" of being the patient.  I got you Doritos and a Sprite that night and the next day Ethan & PawPaw brought you treats!  Your nose is still a little swollen but you are doing great!  I love you and am so proud of who you are.  You are so brave Seth!  You always have been!  Thank you for being my amazing son!

Friday, March 9, 2012

"I love you more than the Wii"

So Hannah, you are such an expressive little girl and I love hearing how you put words around the messages in your heart.  Right now you love you to play the Wii you guys got for Christmas more than anything else!  You kids now have "tickets" to play for 30 minutes each day but somehow that never really happens ;)  So we were eating breakfast the other day and out of nowhere you said, "mommy, I love you more than the Wii!"  I knew how special that made me so I joyfully thanked you.  To which you replied, "No seriously, if you died, I would pause my game."  And with that, I know you love me Hannah with all your heart!  I love you sweet girl!  You are so perfect to me!

"My Booty is Crackin"

Abigail, you are an amazing 2 1/2 year old that says some of the cutest things!!!!  You are getting so big and independent and are quickly learning your "voice" in the world!  So every time your pants fall down you say, "oooh, oooh, my booty is crackin!"  We all laugh at you and you have no idea why.  I love you Abigail Lynn Oakley!  You are such a gift to our family!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Going Back a Little

So I am going to give blogging a try.  It is already March so I would like to go back to January as to document a year in the life of the Oakleys, A.K.A., the Incredibles.  Us Oakleys like to compare ourselves to the movie the Incredibles and how we are like them.  I like to believe we are!  This blog is dedicated to my family:  My amazing husband, friend, & lover, Eric, and my 4 incredible children, Seth, Hannah, Abigail, & William David!