Sunday, January 8, 2012

Jaunary - Florida Trip

So our family started a new adventure this Jauary, grief and healing.  We could have never imagined our lives would have been here, but we are and we are going to live it, not run from it.  Don't get me wrong, everyday I am temped to run from it, but I know there are promises for us in the midst of this that I don't want to miss.  Our trip to Florida was a gift from my parents that was planned back in September.  Who would have thought this trip would be such a time to rest, heal, and "gear-up" for life in general.  We had a great time in Florda.  Seth said he was so excited to "spend time with his family" and that's exactly what it was.  We went on some amazing bike rides and jogs and just down time.

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