Friday, January 13, 2012

Seth's Birthday

So my son is 7 years old!!!!!  I cannot believe it!  He had a fun birthday with friends and family at Skate Country.  Seth, I love you so much.  You are an amazing little boy.  I will never forget the moment I first saw you.  You are such a joy to be around and I love listening to your amazing stories and all the intricate details you share with us.  You give us amazing understanding of God because you express yourself so freely.  Thank you for loving me and encouraging me as a mommy to you.  I love scratching your back everyday.  You have lost 4 teeth now and are getting so tall.  You love science and your favorite book is this creepy "Spider" book that you love to show me because it grosses me out so bad.  You have such a sweet spirit and you are an amazing big brother.  Loosing William David has been really hard for you but again, you don't hold back your hopes and dreams to see him again.  Thank you for being and "Incredible" son to your daddy and I!  I love you so much ~ Mommy

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