Saturday, February 25, 2012

Daddy Daughter Dance

Hannah, you wait for this time of year almost as much as you do Christmas!  It's the Daddy Daughter Dance!  You told me in advance this year that you wanted a purple dress so a purple dress is what you got!  We found the perfect dress, shoes, and purse for your special night with your daddy!!!  I painted your toes and nails purple and made you a beautiful corsage while daddy took Abigail to the ER because she fell off of her little bike and busted her head open.  I love talking to you about your dance and watch you get so excited to dress up and dance with your daddy.  He loves it as much as you do!  You both had such a good time this year and like every other year you played on the stairs and explored the Civic Center, the same place daddy danced with mommy on their wedding night.  I love you Hannah!  You are such a beautiful daughter to your daddy and I!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

100 Party

This was a huge day for Seth and Hannah...Abigail, you joined in the fun too!  You guys waited sooooo long for this day to finally come!  The 100 party for school.  We had a fun party and danced to Justin Beiber for 100 seconds, made 100 fruit-loop necklaces, ate Oreas (the turned 100 too), ate cheese puffs just because we wanted to, and played some other fun 100 games.  Trinity and Bailey Bochet and MeeMaw & PawPaw came over to celebrate the fun.  I love watching how you guys enjoy the simple little parties and I love being your mommy!  Happy 100 day my sweet children!!!!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Abigail's MRI

Today was a crazy day because we took you, Abigail, to get your big follow up MRI of your brain!!!  We were very anxious to get this done for many reasons: 1) you having to be put to sleep... 2) did your cyst come back....3) I don't really like going to Atlanta during rush hour.  During the time you were having your MRI I wrote in my journal our entire journey to your brain surgery.  I was again reminded of what a miracle the entire experience was.  God walked us through the entire process step by step just like he did the remainder of that hard year and still continues to do so today.  It is the one consistent thing through it all, He is with us and He has already gone before us.  You were very nervous about the IV but I sang to you and you didn't even feel it!!!  You woke up fine and were ready to eat!  After the MRI we followed up with Dr. Reisner, Eric and I love him so much, and he gave us an amazing report!  Your scan looked amazing and you are a thriving 2 year old sweet girl.  I will forever look back over this experience with your head in awe to Him and also thankful for the sweet times your daddy and I had there.  He would work at night after he tucked you and I in the hospital bed. He is such a sweet man.  I love you Abigail!

P.S. I bought you a cute little jogging suit that you were over the moon about and a man at daddy's work, Ira, bought you some really cool Nike tennis shoes that you could not wait to wake up and wear.  You had your outfit laid out and wore it with great pride!